Thursday, January 5, 2012

welcome 2012

"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow."
~ Albert Einstein

A new slate to be written on! This is how I see the new year! I'm excited for the new prospects I am facing, the new challenges I'm to meet this year, even though I have NO clue what they will be! I decided to be a little less extensive with my resolutions, thinking in a more "slow and steady wins the race" kinda way. of course, as always, weight loss is one of those, only in a eat more healthy stuff, less junk food sorta way!

I'm also excited because I finally moved out of my parents home! (I do miss y'all, I promise)! I love my new roomies: Lauren, Laura, and Brittney! Their all lovely people and I'm so excited to be starting this year being a little more independent and being out on my own!

1 comment:

the WINTERS family! said...

Here's to a great new year!